Professional Beauty Product of the Year is a competition in which suppliers supplying the professional market (beauty professionals) and participating in the Beauty Trade Special trade fair can participate.

There are six categories in which a prize can be won:

  1. Facial care
  2. Body care
  3. Green cosmetics
  4. Make-up
  5. Hand and foot care
  6. Equipment

Participation regulation

Participation in Professional Beauty Product of the Year costs €450 per product (excluding VAT). This includes 2 tickets to the *gala awards evening on Sunday 21 April 2024.

  • The product is supplied to the beauty professional (beautician, skin therapist, make-up artist, nail stylist, pedicurist, et cetera).
  • The supplier will be at the Beauty Trade Special trade fair from 6 to 8 April 2024.
  • Submitted products may not be copies of already existing products. As a participant, you also sign for this.
  • Cosmetic products must comply with the rules set out in the Cosmetics Regulation and the Cosmetic Products Commodities Act Decree (see further explanation here).
  • Products in the Green Cosmetics category must be certified. Indicate with whom they are certified and certificate must be enclosed.
  • Are you producing or importing a cosmetic product for the 1st time? Then you need to submit a notification to the Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (see the explanation from the central government here).
  • One product can be registered per category per brand.
  • The product must be (relatively) new and not be on the market until after 1 May 2023 or be launched during the Beauty Trade Special 2024 trade fair.
  • Registration must reach the organisation by Friday, February 9, 2024.
  • All entries are first assessed to see if they meet the entry requirements. If a product does not comply then it cannot participate.

The full competition description and conditions for the trade competition can be found here. You can download the entry form here.